The wax factor: Can you tell these celebrities from their dummy lookalikes?
By June Iddon
Last updated at 11:32 PM on 24th October 2010
When Cheryl Cole posed alongside her new Madame Tussaud’s waxwork last week it was impossible to tell which was which. But she’s not the only celebrity to have a very convincing dummy double. Take a look at our line-up and see if you can spot the fake from the real thing.

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ANSWERS: The real people are Russell Brand, left; Helen Mirren, right; Sir Patrick Stewart, left; Nicole Kidman, right; Britney Spears, right; Camilla Parker Bowles, right; Queen Elizabeth, left; Boris Johnson, left; Jose Mourinho, right; Jim Carrey, right; Lou and Andy, right; Amy Winehouse, left.
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