Indian boys playing atop an old military cannon built in 1761 which stands on the grounds of the Jubilee Museum Technical Institute, Prince Albert Memorial Museum.
Location:Lahore, IndiaDate taken:1946

Man cooking food over a brazier in the bkgd. as men sit down at counter to partake of dishes covered by cheesecloth at food stall in market.
Location:Lahore, IndiaDate taken:1946

Moslem woman in purdah walking w. others on street.
Location:Lahore, IndiaDate taken:1946

Man stirring food in large pot which has been heating over coals.
Location:Lahore, IndiaDate taken:1946

Herd of bullocks on the street.
Location:Lahore, IndiaDate taken:1946

Butcher brandishing a switch over cuts of meat to keep the flies away in his stall at market.
Location:Lahore, IndiaDate taken:1946

Goats loll around the feet of woman looking over fabrics at stall in market.
Location:Lahore, IndiaDate taken:1946

Man using a hand-cranked sewing machine to make clothes as he smokes a hooka pipe in his shop.
Location:Lahore, IndiaDate taken:1946

View of the exterior of Jubilee Museum Technical Institute, Prince Albert Memorial Museum an old military cannon built in 1781 being inspected by visitors.
Location:Lahore, India
All Photographs by:

Margaret Bourke-White, (1904-1971)
American photographer and documentary photographer.
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